The company produces filtered material with high sterilizing ability and antiseptic wound-healing materials and products based on it.
Products are manufactured at a high-tech plant, certified by ISO 13485. All products are patented both in Russia and abroad. Production competes with the best world analogues. ”Aqvelite” Ltd. is a resident of Tomsk special economic zone.
Product Description:
- High-producing replacement filter cartridges for drinking water disinfection “Aqua Vallis”. Purpose – removal of water viruses, parasites (including resistant to chlorine and high temperature)
- Wound healing antiseptic materials (bandage) “Aqua Vallis”
Differs fundamentally new mechanism and they are intended for treatment of burns, bedsores, wound infections. It doesn’t include antibiotics and pharmaceuticals, doesn’t cause allergies and sensitization during prolonged use. They are highly effective in the treatment of wounds which are difficult to medication.
Limited Liability Company “Aqvelite”
8/2 Akademichesky Prospect, Tomsk 634055, Russia
Phone: +7 (3822) 57-19-97
E-mail: info@vitavallis.com
Website: www.vitavallis.com, www.aquavallis.com