Messen, Kongresse, Foren
in Russland
Healthcare of the Ural
International Specialized Exhibition-Forum of Medical Equipment, Instruments, Consumables, Pharmaceuticals as well as Medical and Health Resort Services
Navitech / Navigation
International Exhibition for Navigation Systems, Technologies and Services
Sviaz / IT and Telecommunications
International Exhibition for Information and Communication Technology
Russian Week of High Technologies
Die Russische Woche der Hochtechnologien umfasst mehrere Ausstellungen zu IT, IKT, Telekommunikation, Navigation und Telematik — SVIAZ, NAVITECH, ICEE, CSTB
Veranstalter: Messegesellschaft Expocentre
RENWEX Renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles
International Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies
Metalloobrabotka / Metalworking
International Exhibition for Equipment, Instruments and Tools for the Metal-Working Industry